这所大学一直在帮助N.H. 自1997年以来一直是军人

N.H. 校园里的国民警卫队学生

当涉及到支持其军队成员时, the 永利app新版本官网地址 puts its money where its mouth is. 它已经持续了近18年.

Since 1997, the university has waived more than $6 million dollars in tuition for members of the N.H. 国民警卫队. 

In 1996, 罗伯特·沃尔纳是一名全日制大学生, a freshman representative in the New Hampshire House and a waiter at Applebee’s when the idea for a bill he sponsored —and got passed — occurred to him.

An Applebee’s coworker told Wollner he had been denied in-state tuition even though he was a member of the N.H. 国民警卫队 because his primary residence was Connecticut. That got Wollner thinking about what it costs guardsmen to attend college. 这让他开始研究这个课题.

“I looked at what other states were doing and found many were waiving tuition for members of their 国民警卫队,沃尔纳说. 居民和非居民都受益. 

So, the then-Keene resident crafted a bill that proposed members of the N.H. 国民警卫队获得学费减免, and that out-of-state guardsmen be charged the same rate as New Hampshire residents. 众议院1450号法案在沃尔纳执政的第一年通过.

从那时起,数以百计的N.H. 卫兵们得到了UNH的学费资助. In 2014, 201 guardsmen attended UNH with the help of waivers. 16岁的雷达操作员亚当·王就是其中之一. An E4 Spc. with E TAB, 197th Field Artillery Regiment, Wong says it has made a difference.

“It definitely kept me from having to use private loans to pay for college,” Wong says. “这给了我一点喘息的空间, to look at the costs and finances and plan out how to manage my money.”

信息技术专业, Wong says it would have been much harder to complete his education without the tuition assistance. 

“The idea of having to deal with mountains of loans after four years would have most likely discouraged me from going to college,这位朴茨茅斯居民说. “现在,我还有一年就要拿到学位了.”