


The 永利app新版本官网地址 was once again strongly represented on the Union Leader’s annual 40 Under Forty award list this year, with eight state residents to have earned undergraduate or graduate degrees from 主要研究 – and another from Granite State College, 现在是主要研究职业学院... 阅读更多


  • 朱丽叶韦伯
    - 不断发展的空间
    朱丽叶韦伯 ’23G epitomizes patience and perseverance in her work in higher education. As the director of 主要研究 Professional Development and Training, she has carefully built a... 阅读更多
  • chuck hotchkiss studying at desk as young professor; chuck as young father with infant son asleep; michael swack and chuck hotchkiss reunited and standing on 主要研究 campus
    - 人民团结的力量
    恰克·霍奇基斯, the key to lasting social impact is ensuring that everyday people have a real share of the power in their communities. “在组织101课程时,他们会这样告诉你... 阅读更多
  • 卡洛琳便
    - 拥抱未来
    “How can we build better support for our communities to thrive at an individual and collective level?” asks 卡洛琳便, program director of the master of public administration... 阅读更多
  • 在社会创业创新挑战赛上的团队展示
    - 主要研究 Celebrates 学生 and Alumni at Annual Social Venture Innovation Challenge
    Student and alumni innovators alike were celebrated last week at the culminating events of the NH Social Venture Innovation Challenge (SVIC), 联合国大学的年度创意大赛. 佩奇... 阅读更多
  • 行动呼吁
    - 行动呼吁
    面对深刻的社会不公,一些人听到了行动的号角. 阿利翁·西迪·姆泽里格22G, 他自称是萨赫勒地区前奴隶社区的成员... 阅读更多
  • Jolan里维拉来
    - 世界公民
    “我按照自己的价值观生活. My choices will never bring me great wealth or power but I am happy to be living my vocation.” 这是乔兰·里维拉的话... 阅读更多
  • A photo of a vendor at the Exeter Farmers Market selling her items to a customer. New 主要研究 research highlights New England consumers’ perspectives of farmers markets with the goal of identifying new strategies for making these and other alternative food markets more viable for farmers and food producers.
    - 考察新英格兰农贸市场的前景
    研究 led by scientists from 主要研究's COLSA and Carsey School examines consumer views on farmers markets and other alternative food networks. 阅读更多
  • carolyn arcand的照片,背景是主要研究校园
    - 被复杂性所驱使
    Dr. 卡洛琳便 doesn’t shy away from the issues and intricacies of the world; she embraces them.  “I'm always keeping an eye on things that are unfolding around me in terms of... 阅读更多
  • 梅琳达·内格伦-冈萨雷斯戴着红领巾的照片. In the background is a map of the world with a blue background showing countries
    - 普通人推动政策改变的力量
    7月,Dr。. Melinda Negrón-Gonzales will officially make the jump from Manchester to Durham and join the faculty at the 卡西公共政策学院. 30英里的移动可能不会... 阅读更多
  • a photo of jess carson with an image of a road with trees on other side behind her
    - 在混乱的世界中寻找秩序
    你并不总是知道哪些时刻会影响你的人生.  “I remember being like six or seven years old in the car with my family on a road trip and looking out the... 阅读更多
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